hi readers!
just a quick post today. i wanted to first say a very big thank you to my mom who bought me the jcrew ram bracelet. i love it!!! i love it!!! i love it!!! wow. i will post a pic of that soon. it is done so beautifully and it fits great on my arm.
also, i wanted to alert my followers that there is a great giveaway for the ram necklace. and who wouldnt want that???? it is on the blog "1 more shopping blog" and how generous is that!?!?!?! wow. here is the link and good luck!
well, i will check in later with you all. i am going to conquer the mall today. wish me luck on that :)
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
corvida bird skirt
hi readers!
back to blogging. finally. i had a busy little week here but i wanted to post this outfit i wore yesterday because i really loved it. i had been playing around with the idea of ordering this skirt from when i first saw it. but of course it was really expensive. maybe $228 if i remember correctly...so i watched it in my wishlist and saw it get a cut to $98 i think. then it even got a second cut and i didnt bite but then the additional 25% off and a little of mom's encouragement pushed me over the edge. it ended up being like $37. say what?!?!?! yes, 37 bucks! mine. and i love it and got a lot of compliments on it when i wore it. it is very different and stands out because of the asymmetry of the hem. but really when you are close to it, the beauty is in the fabric. i included the stock pic so you can hopefully see the design in the solid black material. it might be an outline of a huge tree...not sure. also, i would like to add that the skirt is not a wrap skirt (which are not always my fave because of wind, natural disasters, etc.) but instead is a skirt with an overlay piece. nice. also, i added the stock pic to give you a better idea of how the skirt looks on. i think with me taking the pics from above, my legs get short looking and the skirt appears longer and doesnt really look like that in person. hope that helps.
anthro also made a dress (which was featured in the catalog) of this same material (still available online....maybe zoom on the dress to see the fabric detail more clearly) and a wrap sweater which also had the bird print on it (although i doubt the material was the same for the sweater. not sure). but i think the skirt works best for me. i paired it with an old top i had from BR which is a matte black and worked very nicely against the shine of the skirt. i also wore a sweater to work i just scored at the loft (always have to use the word "score" with the loft because everything is so cheap there!). it is really a nice and useful sweater. it is a pale GOLD color of metallic thread. very nice. and the bracelet you should check out too. i saw it on the lovely chloe of the chloe conspiracy. she always finds great jewelry at f21.
back to blogging. finally. i had a busy little week here but i wanted to post this outfit i wore yesterday because i really loved it. i had been playing around with the idea of ordering this skirt from when i first saw it. but of course it was really expensive. maybe $228 if i remember correctly...so i watched it in my wishlist and saw it get a cut to $98 i think. then it even got a second cut and i didnt bite but then the additional 25% off and a little of mom's encouragement pushed me over the edge. it ended up being like $37. say what?!?!?! yes, 37 bucks! mine. and i love it and got a lot of compliments on it when i wore it. it is very different and stands out because of the asymmetry of the hem. but really when you are close to it, the beauty is in the fabric. i included the stock pic so you can hopefully see the design in the solid black material. it might be an outline of a huge tree...not sure. also, i would like to add that the skirt is not a wrap skirt (which are not always my fave because of wind, natural disasters, etc.) but instead is a skirt with an overlay piece. nice. also, i added the stock pic to give you a better idea of how the skirt looks on. i think with me taking the pics from above, my legs get short looking and the skirt appears longer and doesnt really look like that in person. hope that helps.
anthro also made a dress (which was featured in the catalog) of this same material (still available online....maybe zoom on the dress to see the fabric detail more clearly) and a wrap sweater which also had the bird print on it (although i doubt the material was the same for the sweater. not sure). but i think the skirt works best for me. i paired it with an old top i had from BR which is a matte black and worked very nicely against the shine of the skirt. i also wore a sweater to work i just scored at the loft (always have to use the word "score" with the loft because everything is so cheap there!). it is really a nice and useful sweater. it is a pale GOLD color of metallic thread. very nice. and the bracelet you should check out too. i saw it on the lovely chloe of the chloe conspiracy. she always finds great jewelry at f21.
see what i mean about the short legs? :)
anthro corvida skirt (http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/shopsale-skirts/23851454.jsp)
banana republic top (old old old)
ann taylor loft lurex 3/4 sleeve open front cardi (http://www.loft.com/loft/catalog/productDetails.jsp?prodId=281808&colorExplode=false&skuId=11592143&catid=catl000012&productPageType=fullPriceProducts&defaultColor=9000&prodId=281808)
jcrew valentina pumps in black
f21 bracelet opulent rhinestoned bracelet (http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=acc_bracelet&ProductID=1000046910&VariantID=)
oh well, thats all for today. what do you think about the hemline of this skirt????
hope you all have a great weekend!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
summer color - porcelain paisley
hi blog readers!
breaking news today on the blog!!!! ladies.....get your credit cards ready!!!!!! i stopped by my local crew this evening after work and guess what!?!?!. and i dont want to cause any hysteria, but there is a new color bubble necklace and it is GREEN PEOPLE....GREEN!!!! i checked when i got home and its not online yet. the sales associate said it was just in. so, details... the larger bubble pieces are a gorgeous kinda kelly green and the small balls that attach at the bottom are a tiny bit darker. oooh. how did i leave without it? not sure. there must be some secret store of willpower hidden somewhere in my bones (never detected before). and there was other stuff i wanted too. ugh. but i couldnt do too much there because i was headed over to anthro. you will see those purchases at some point also.
anyway, back to the important stuff....OOTD. today i wore the jcrew porcelain paisley skirt that i resisted for so long. good thing my sister talked me into it. i loved wearing it and got a ton of compliments on it today (which always helps). i had originally tried it on with what was shown with it in the store. it was a striped popover top basically white with blue stripes, and it just washed me out. completely. however, my sister suggested pairing it with the neon persimmon tippi and it just came alive. yes yes yeeeEEEESSSS. heres the result....
breaking news today on the blog!!!! ladies.....get your credit cards ready!!!!!! i stopped by my local crew this evening after work and guess what!?!?!. and i dont want to cause any hysteria, but there is a new color bubble necklace and it is GREEN PEOPLE....GREEN!!!! i checked when i got home and its not online yet. the sales associate said it was just in. so, details... the larger bubble pieces are a gorgeous kinda kelly green and the small balls that attach at the bottom are a tiny bit darker. oooh. how did i leave without it? not sure. there must be some secret store of willpower hidden somewhere in my bones (never detected before). and there was other stuff i wanted too. ugh. but i couldnt do too much there because i was headed over to anthro. you will see those purchases at some point also.
anyway, back to the important stuff....OOTD. today i wore the jcrew porcelain paisley skirt that i resisted for so long. good thing my sister talked me into it. i loved wearing it and got a ton of compliments on it today (which always helps). i had originally tried it on with what was shown with it in the store. it was a striped popover top basically white with blue stripes, and it just washed me out. completely. however, my sister suggested pairing it with the neon persimmon tippi and it just came alive. yes yes yeeeEEEESSSS. heres the result....
jcrew linen tippi in neon persimmon (http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/sweaters/crewnecksandboatnecks/PRDOVR~83560/99102704703/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~0~15~all~mode+matchallany~~~~~tippi/83560.jsp)
jcrew porcelain paisley skirt (sorry no link available but dress in same print is still there)
michael kors watch
anthro double buckle clutch
f21 bracelet (http://www.forever21.com/Product/Category.aspx?br=f21&category=acc_bracelet&pagesize=100&page=5) check this out !! its cute. even the SA at crew liked it and was shocked it was f21.
and here are my two munchkins, doing exactly what i wanted to do on a rainy day like today....
good night all!
leadlight maxi skirt
hi readers,
good evening! i am posting this late after work tonight so as you can guess i am pretty excited about my OOTD. luckily i got my anthro package this morning with enough time to iron this skirt before i had to leave for work. yea! i couldnt wait to wear it. i had originally tried it on with my mom when i was down visiting her and we were shopping. i liked it but was waiting for sale. well, good for me it just happened to go on sale last week and they added the addtional 25% off sale items, it made it really reasonable.
anyway, heres the OOTD.... i wish the pics were better because they dont do the skirt justice.
anthro leadlight maxi skirt
jcrew popover in white
anthro jean jacket (old)
jcrew bubble necklace in white
micheal kors watch
f21 cheapie bracelets
also dont forget tuesday means sale day at anthro and it sounds like they are extending the 25% off until tomorrow night. that means order whatever you might have any interest in and decide later. did anyone notice how quickly everything sold out of the sale section with the sale promo?!?!?!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
hi readers,
hope everyone is surviving the heat. today it is 102 here and HOT HOT HOT. i am holed up in the house all day with the kitties. so i was playing around with some clothes and came up with an outfit that was inspired by the concert i saw last night.
my friend kelly and i went to go see coldplay last night and they were A-W-E-S-O-M-E. their playlist was great, they sounded fantastic and it they did special things that were cool. at one point during the show chris martin said they were going to play "trouble" which they hadnt played live in like 10 years. that was cool. and then at the end, the crowd was cheering for an encore and we figured they werent coming back out because it was taking awhile. well, coolest thing ever....they showed up in the audience (unfortunately nowhere near us) and played songs there amist the crowd. wow.
so besides all that music stuff, they did alot with color in the show. the stage was decorated in like really colorful graffiti. and the other cool thing was we were all given wristbands of different colors and they had lights in them that they would light up at different points of the show. cool. really cool. anyway, it kinda inspired me to put this outfit together. these are the purple jeans i was telling you guys about. they are kinda crazy because they are really really REALLY purple but i like that. they are a real intense grape color. believe it or not, i was looking for that color for awhile now and was happy to find these because they fit me well and are the perfect color. and the cardi with it i ordered from anthro and it kinda reminds me of the stage from last night with all different colors and designs.
here is a photo i found from coldplay so you can see how the stage was decorated (and get a feel for my inspiration)
can i just add too....i wish i looked better in these pics but it is like a million degrees in my sunroom where i take the pictures and i am trying on a sweater! focus on the outfit....focus on the outfit...
anthro carsamba cardi (http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/clothes-sweaters/25146523.jsp)
anthro seamless cami in black
loft color pop modern skinny jeans in bold berry blue (http://www.loft.com/loft/catalog/productDetails.jsp?prodId=283396&colorExplode=true&skuId=11734628&catid=catl000015&productPageType=fullPriceProducts&defaultColor=1624&prodId=283396)
michael kors watch
banana republic heels
and here is my wristband from last night....green of course!

hope you are all having a great weekend!!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
loft dress quickie post
hi readers,
welcome back to the blog. today was another hot day. it was in the 90's again and looks like it will be that or hotter this weekend. oh well, im off on a three day weekend so i dont care how hot it is....im off! yea!
i wanted to post the outfit that i wore today just in case anyone was interested in getting it. i picked the dress up just this past weekend so you should still be able to find it. the loft had one of their famous 40% off sales and it made this dress super cheap (maybe $30). anyway, i wasnt sure about the neck of the dress at first but i wanted to pair it with this necklace so i figured it would take away from the odd shaped neckline. it kinda reminds me of that texas longhorn logo (not all the attractive) but i think it worked well with the necklace. i really like the color combo of mulberry/burgundy with the right shade of turquoise. and then i added a gold skinny belt to finish it off. another bonus of this dress, you can wash it! here is a close-up of the necklace too.
welcome back to the blog. today was another hot day. it was in the 90's again and looks like it will be that or hotter this weekend. oh well, im off on a three day weekend so i dont care how hot it is....im off! yea!
i wanted to post the outfit that i wore today just in case anyone was interested in getting it. i picked the dress up just this past weekend so you should still be able to find it. the loft had one of their famous 40% off sales and it made this dress super cheap (maybe $30). anyway, i wasnt sure about the neck of the dress at first but i wanted to pair it with this necklace so i figured it would take away from the odd shaped neckline. it kinda reminds me of that texas longhorn logo (not all the attractive) but i think it worked well with the necklace. i really like the color combo of mulberry/burgundy with the right shade of turquoise. and then i added a gold skinny belt to finish it off. another bonus of this dress, you can wash it! here is a close-up of the necklace too.
curved halter neck dress (http://www.loft.com/loft/product/LOFT-Apparel/LOFT-New-Arrivals/Curved-Halter-Neck-Dress/282971?colorExplode=false&skuId=11607779&catid=catl000013&productPageType=fullPriceProducts&defaultColor=5792)
banana republic skinny gold belt (old)
urban outfitters necklace
well, thats all for tonight. i did get some goodies in the mail today and i still have yet to post some other items i recently acquired. also waiting on my anthro sale scores. i am hoping they come tomorrow so i can post one of those beauties.
have a great night!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
red white and poo
hi readers!
i am wearing the altuzarra for jcrew patricia dress. when i saw this in the catalog i couldnt dial the phone number to my personal shopper fast enough to order it. i was mesmerized, sucked into the vortex of the catalog's pages, little swirlies took over my eyes.... i loved the varying widths of the stripes. also, other details on the dress you may not be able to see in the pics add some visual interest and depth to the dress too. the smaller stripes are actually pieces of a different material, sewn on top of the other fabric. they are at the shoulders and the end of the sleeves. this material is a little whiter than the body of the dress which is more of an ivory/ecru color. the patches are also sewn on with red thread. a nice touch. the fit is nice and its super comfy too. it can be worn by itself but i prefer it belted. i think it gives it a little more definition. the only negative is how long the sleeves are. my arms are pretty long and i usually run into the opposite problem so its strange when they are long on me. i just rolled them up and am fine with it but someone with shorter arms might run into a problem. no complaints here, just sayin'. i added the scarf and next the trench coat to show some more styling ideas.

altuzarra for jcrew patricia dress (http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/dresses/knit/PRDOVR~93039/99102762994/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~0~15~all~mode+matchallany~~~~~altuzarra/93039.jsp)
as for the title, i know i have some explaining to do. well, part of my insanity is that i call my cats the poopoo kitties. it was a nickname from when i first got them. and everything thereafter got the word "poo" stuck to it or was a substitute for some other word. it is contageous. even my friend who made fun of me when i first told her soon did it to her dogs' names too. proof its contageous (i dont recommend starting). anyway, tiggy became poo poo gigi, poobert (a spin on his other nickname robert), mr poobertsky, etc. madison became mapoo (pronounced muh-poo), poobelia, poopoo. anyway, from the poopoos and me, the poopooma... happy fourth!!!
*no kitties were harmed in the taking of these pictures.
well, hope to see you back soon. you can see more craziness...i bought purple jeans ***GASP***
happy 4th of july!!! hope you are all having a great holiday and are enjoying your day. i will be at work (yuk) but im gonna wear something holiday inspired (without crossing that fine line of being a holiday dressing nerd...you know what i mean).
i am wearing the altuzarra for jcrew patricia dress. when i saw this in the catalog i couldnt dial the phone number to my personal shopper fast enough to order it. i was mesmerized, sucked into the vortex of the catalog's pages, little swirlies took over my eyes.... i loved the varying widths of the stripes. also, other details on the dress you may not be able to see in the pics add some visual interest and depth to the dress too. the smaller stripes are actually pieces of a different material, sewn on top of the other fabric. they are at the shoulders and the end of the sleeves. this material is a little whiter than the body of the dress which is more of an ivory/ecru color. the patches are also sewn on with red thread. a nice touch. the fit is nice and its super comfy too. it can be worn by itself but i prefer it belted. i think it gives it a little more definition. the only negative is how long the sleeves are. my arms are pretty long and i usually run into the opposite problem so its strange when they are long on me. i just rolled them up and am fine with it but someone with shorter arms might run into a problem. no complaints here, just sayin'. i added the scarf and next the trench coat to show some more styling ideas.

altuzarra for jcrew patricia dress (http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/dresses/knit/PRDOVR~93039/99102762994/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~0~15~all~mode+matchallany~~~~~altuzarra/93039.jsp)
jcrew italian leather belt in english saddle
jcrew scarf (http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/accessories/scarvesglovesandhats/PRDOVR~81100/81100.jsp)
toms espadrille wedges in red stripe
jcrew factory classic trench (http://www.jcrew.com/womens_factory_category/Exclusives/PRDOVR~21674/99102646514/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~205+17+4294966716~15~~~~~~~/21674.jsp)
red white and poo*
old navy for dogs (why not cat sized....ever???)
*no kitties were harmed in the taking of these pictures.
well, hope to see you back soon. you can see more craziness...i bought purple jeans ***GASP***
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